Blender Democracy - User-request based development

The devs fix far more than one bug per week, so the current system actually outperforms what you propose. After all, every bug in the tracker is an issue that a user reported that they want fixed.

Generally speaking the best working model for open source software is to have the leader/core team make design decisions that are only influenced by community feedback, not solely driven by them. They even have a term for this, its called having a BDFL(Benevolent Dictator for Life). This cuts down on bike shedding.

It’s important for every software to have central design focus. If open source software didn’t adopt this sort of approach then programs with this type of license would be a lot less cohesive than their commercial counterparts because some design choices users want would clash with the other choices. Some people here would probably argue that there is too much democracy in how blender is currently run, and vote to make it a clone of some commercial software.

I also need to point out that you aren’t the only one to feel this way. When they removed the old blender game engine a user was so upset, they tried to establish a german non-profit to manage a fork of blender where the users get to vote on what design changes get made: