Blender dislikes my video card Nvidia 630M ?

Hi all

Im using a HP dv6 laptop with a Nvidia 630M and graphics dirver version 295.55 also windows 7 64 bit, 8 GB ram ,intel I5-2450m CPU Blender version 2.63.0 build R46461:46487m

everything works ok apart from when I access the cycles render option or the system tab under user prefs the program will crash, the blender render works ok but it would be nice to give cycles a go.

Thanks for any help

Have found out more info the laptop has Intel HD graphics as well :frowning: and done a screen grab of the error code for if anyone knows that alien lingo :wink:


I am not a windows user but read about problems with nvidia fusion.
It switch between onboard and nvidia card automaticly to save energy.
You have to make shure blender use the nvidia card in any case.
IIRC it is in the power management or driver settings.
Cycles should work with a GT 630m.

Cheers, mib.

Hi cheers for the reply , will have a look at the power management side of things, the Nvidia card is assigned to blender under the program profile option in the drivers options and says it is accessing the Nvidia gpu when running, even tried disabling the intel driver in device manager as there is no option in the bios as of yet, but then I had no graphics what so ever so had to re enable it. dosen’t stop me using blender just no cycles access.

Any further news on this situation? I’m looking to buy a similar brand of laptop with a GT640M inside and wondered if you had found a way to fix the problem yet.


I bought new Samsung 15" Chronos which contains 640m Nvidia card and I haven’t yet gotten Cycles to work with it. I tried to force Nvidia card to be always on used but for some reason Blender reports something about Cuda 3.0 drivers (or similiar, don’t exactly remember now the exact error report). My drivers are also 295.55 if i remember correct and no new drivers are available (at least yet) from Samsung update software or Nvidias own site for 640m.

Folks, try these ones: , read the instructions to install them with modified INF.

Tempting but I wait for a while if they release new drives as this laptop model is now less than a month old, at least in Finland.