Blender edit mode performance problems. Updated: kind of resolved

Agreed, performance should be at the top of the list!

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If Blender freezes for you even when just adding a cylinder, there is definitely something wrong with your setup, thatā€™s not normal. I donā€™t have any problems at all performance wise, unless I have a few million polygons (but even than itā€™s sort of managable). I also canā€™t reproduce the ā€œevery change in the node editor takes forever to updateā€, unless youā€™re talking about a big node graph in eevee.

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While it is true that performance improvements have been made in every release since 2.80 (some major), the Blender devs. still see performance as merely a ā€œnice to haveā€ in many cases. The Open Movie artists donā€™t even seem to bring it up that much, but would rather work around the major issues (like splitting objects into pieces) rather than pressing the devs. to tackle it head on. Sprite Fright supposedly has industry professionals involved, maybe they will crack the whip on this.

In the past, I could see why improvements would take a while due to the lack of resources, but with the BF being a million-dollar organization now, it is time to really attack the biggest bottlenecks (like eliminating the rookie code practice that is looping over everything in every case). It is time for the BF to work towards having Blenderā€™s performance at the same level as the viewport (meaning, slick and fast everywhere).

Open movie artists probably have supper computers!

The cylinder example was over the top, but there are some performance issues.

Very large objects are laggy in edit mode, that is why the op started the thread. Although his case does seem a bit too soon it does happen to all of us to some extent. He is editing a 700k poly object and has demonstrated the lag, I can reproduce a similar lag (with a larger poly count).

Yes, node calculation can be frustrating with large node trees (which a lot of us enjoy making), especially in Eevee because it updates continuously, Cycles will do the same calculation when you hit render.

Particles are heavy on memory and you do need lots of them for nature scenes and furry animals.

Pablo has done some great work on sculpting performance but there is still room to improve.

Stability for me is good considering blenderā€™s complexity but better performance is always welcome.

Arenā€™t you running on a 650 gpu with 1 gig vram? This is simply to be expected on such a low end gpu. Weā€™ve moved into the RTX era. Time to update. :wink:

Yes I know :frowning: But I am not sure if the gpu is doing all the node calculation or simply displaying the results of blenders calculations.

Not really. Once your scene gets sufficiently large in terms of objects (in my case, somewhere around 1500 objects, which is not at all unreasonable for an environment; will vary with hardware), or in terms of modifiers on objects (cough subsurf cough) - and thatā€™s even within the realm of modeling one complex entity, object mode starts to struggle like edit mode struggles with lots of geometry. Selection becomes slow. Undo/redo becomes slow. That inculdes changing any property for any operator in object mode (as thatā€™s redo).

You got me there, alekba said Ā«I add cylinder to the sceneĀ», maybe he should have said Ā«I add cylinder the scene with 1500 objectsĀ»!

Your GPU has to compile the shaders before rendering them(in real time in the EEVEE viewport), and then has to recompile whenever parameters are changed. Just like an engine like UE4.

I would also add to that any kind of relatively complex modifier stack. After a while it bogs everything down. Working in something like HardOps, after a while the whole scene starts stuttering.

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Dan, youā€™re at it again


If I open a file I have with one object and complicated node setup it loads in a split second and displays the material. Then if I add a noise texture connected to a colour mix that was already there, it takes a few seconds to calculate the new setting. If it was the GPU it should have taken a few seconds to calculate the material when I opened the file.
Edit; I do want to upgrade the GPU one day!

Haha! Sorry, Iā€™ve been up all night finishing a bust sculpt, had 10 minutes to learn a new slicing software, and had to re-setup my 3D printer, and now the print is in progressā€¦ Iā€™ve been reading these while nipping out for cigarettes. Whew! Who said Christmas was a time for rest. :laughing:


Once you add the noise node, it has to recompile the shaders. On file open, Iā€™m guessing the shaders are already compiled with the save.

Yes, I went from a 1050 to a 2080 and the difference with operations like this are astronomical, in 3D waiting terms.


So maybe Blender is actually holding a crutch for my GPU! Anyway merry xmas to all of you I have to go and munch on some goodies.


NO. Couple object, just beginning. Slider are not completely frozen, ā€œjustā€ jump from 3 to 133 :stuck_out_tongue: itā€™s totally uncontrollable. This occur couple times in couple versionsā€¦

Anyway this do not appear in my current Blender, I think. These days mostly do 2D stuff and some Zbrush so I do not use Blender to much.
Phehā€¦ I lose count how many times I download Blender during this year.

1 gigabyte is simply not enough for most 3D work nowadays, believe it or not Blender is actually generous when it comes to the hardware it expects. 2.79 meanwhile worked very well for such GPU models because the viewport used functions dating to OpenGL 1.1 (which was 20 years ago). For most work, you want to have a card with at least 8 gigabytes of VRAM, 6 gigabytes if you want to save money and are willing to use the CPU with Cycles instead. Just say no to 4 gigabytes unless you are desperate.

That Blender has performance problems in editmode and in subdivision is true at least, but the bottleneck is not the drawing code. Blender needs things like partial updates and acceleration trees for editmode tools, and faster initialization times for OpenSubDiv (which could then be followed by GPU acceleration).


Yes, I know I need to update! I have been looking into the RTX but there is very low stock at the moment, I am waiting for availability, I would also need a better power supply. I have considered a complete update to a newer system but I do prefer to wait until my present system becomes redundant. I have been updating computers since 1993 and have spent tooo much money on my hobby!

I have the same problem! If Iā€™m switching from browser its fast for some seconds but then it starts to lag (only with selection) and Iā€™m lagging with EVERY mesh even a simple cube! And I discovered if I CTRL+Z it makes selection faster for a second.