Blender Feature Film: "Deadstar" The Movie

Full movie version of the animated series “Deadstar”

I created Deadstar in August 2011, the first official 7 episodes ran from October 2012 - November 2013. The film features remastered versions of all the 7 episodes, and includes the next 2 episodes that haven’t been released yet.

Animated entirely by myself in Blender.

I was going to try to look for companies to somehow take a shot with me and buy it, but I thought why don’t I just try to release it myself. I don’t have any connections or any sponsors, I just want to share something I made that I think is cool. And I hope you guys think it’s cool too. I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know what you think.

Really amazing work, I never seen this series before but the result looks believable. For the sponsors, ther is no magic formulas but I think the best way is to create a short movie (not so long, about 3 to 8 minuts) by starting from scratch and with a simple but nice scenario. Look at the animated CG of the CGbros chanel on youtube, very inspiring. And then, you have to participate at several CG competition like SIGGRAPH for the most famous of them. I think that the comps and the number of view on youtube are the best way to find sponsors. I know it cause I try too. A last thing, people have to be able to contact you and I don’t see your particulars at the end of your movie. Good luck on your project. (Apologies for my bad english)

Thanks a lot man, I’ll keep that in mind.

Nice work! You may find support in many other countries. Best of wishes.


What a project! You should send it to all the animation festival arround the world! I really enjoy the atmospehere audio alot and the voices are very nice! Now i will sit back and enjoy for the next hour!
THANK YOUUU for sharing this!!!

thanks, I was thinking about sending it to a film festival, unfortunately it cost money haha So I’m saving up

Do you think you guys would be interested if I released a DVD for the movie, featuring a lot of tutorials and extra content?

I’d be interested.

Awesome, I think I’m gonna try to do it. However it’d be great if blender foundation could somehow help me. I’d need to start my own production company.