Blender file corrupted

Hi everyone, my useless laptop got blue-screened and restarted abruptly and leaves my Blender file unopenable.

This is urgent, could you please help me recover it?

Thank you!
I can’t append the assets from this corrupted file to a new file, by the way.

untitled.blend (3.2 MB)
untitled.blend1 (3.2 MB)

doesn’t open here either, nor would i expect it to ever open… the file is literally full of null characters. :frowning:

you might try recovering an auto save instead?

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Thank you! I’m trying, my laptop automatically restarts every 2 minutes which prevents me from opening it lol

To anyone reading this, seriously, just get a desktop. My Dell laptop breaks down 20 times a year.

I got it to open (blend1), but the only thing in the view port was the 3d cube with some sort of material. Is that what you’re looking for?

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Beautiful. Thank you!

Yes! It was my scene, I was procedurally modeling.

TestFile_corruption.blend (3.2 MB)
Dropped here so you have a backup for your own blend1 file, when you get your computer settled down. :smile:

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Thanks a ton, champ!

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Sorry, I changed my mind.

I felt like I should mark @KDLynch’s response as accepted answer since their Auto Save method does work and it is more accessible to people who encounter the same problem and don’t have the fortune to have someone like you to help recover their broken file.

Hope you don’t mind. Have a great day!