Hi everyone!
I’ve been making videos for quite a some time, using Blender for editing (and for some VFX stuff too, when it was needed).
I decided to put some of my works here, in hope of giving some ideas to others about this quite underestimated feature of Blender, and getting tips too to improve myself. Of course i won’t post every single video i make, just those what have a little more to do with graphics and 3D.
I’d like to start with this one, which didn’t need any additional visual effects, but it got a ton of color correction (the lights were really dull that day), and some smooth “zooming” effects for a more dynamic feel. All was shot with an older type of GoPro.
Have fun watching it if interested, and more will come
I’d appreciate every kind of feedback. The general like/dislike stuff on youtube is not too informative for those who want to improve.
Thank you in advance, and have a nice day!