Blender GUI its kinda “messy” when it comes to BGE, and i just wanted to remove unnecesary buttons (buttons not related to BGE).
This Blender Version has no Render-Related buttons (at least not all), and its dedicated for GE use.
Later i plan to move ALL render buttons to “Render” section, and free “Blender Game” of non-related buttons.
Here you go if you want to try it!
Feel free to leave feedback.
NOTE: I re-enabled some buttons and functions, the "Object Tools’ its much clear now( i removed the buttons that most people use by shortcuts .
It’s good that you’re developing, but I see a few problems here. For one thing, you’ve deleted most of the buttons and things from the Blender Render menu, which I would have just left alone and changed the Blender Game GUI a bit. In addition, you deleted some things that are actually quite useful, like the Face Textures check box. Finally, I would personally move the screen resolution spinners to the Blender Game tab (done in Kupoman’s GSoC branch, but hasn’t been merged yet).
Truue,i deleted some more buttonns,(i wannted to make a personal version) but i will continue changing the ui.
What does face textures do? I didnt use it before.
About render,i just wanted the bake only but,now i realise i will need to tweak the camera so i must enable some settings.
Face textures makes it so that you can use the UV-assigned texture instead of the texture defined in the material. It only works in Single and Multitexture modes, but it works well. If it worked in GLSL mode, it would be very useful. You don’t have to include it in your personal version if you don’t want to, though.
Ok got it!
I might re enable it.Tho people use GLSL (most of) so its not that bad.
A tutorial or something showing how to "deeply " modify blender gui would be great.
Playing for personal need is a great way to learn.
But it is a ton to do for the main ui - but then only if You choose “blender game” as render option. It’s still a ton of options available that just don’t work in BGE - modifiers, constraints, material options (even some ray trace options). It would also be nice if stuff that don’t work with current render mode (GLSL, singel and multitexture) where disabled.
Modifiers is a hard one tho, We still might want them during modelling and then apply them… But some hint that they don’t work would still be nice.
Yes,there are more to do,but tho i dont plan removing modifiers.
I want to get rid of that extra mess.
Anyway,i plan to go deeper and change more things ex : Blender render Blender game blender modeling, and the buttons to be in the right section for extra ease.
there are alot to do with blender UI.