Blender GooglePages

Blender GooglePages

As some of you might be aware of Google offers a free 100MB website. I created a small and simple page of some stuff related to Google and Blender. Just a small collection of links…

Cool. How about you specialize the site? There is already many sources that are Blender in general. What is the site going to be about?

The site is a small link site about Blender. Because it is GooglePages I thought it would be nice to have some pointers to Blender related stuff on google related software or websites.

your link for 2006 conference is the 2005 conference

Thanks. That’s not bad at all. If you have a Gmail or other google account, you can use your password and start building right away.
I Hope they increase the 100meg like they keep increasing the Gmail size.

@ rexprime: Thanks, I changed it :slight_smile:

@ Meta-Androcto: Well before you have a 100MB website…

Just wondering, how could I handcode a site on the google page? all I can seem to find is only the WYSIWYG there.

Radscientist: Click the Edit HTML in the down right corner.

No kidding Google Pages are worth the trouble. You’re automatically ranked in Google!

You can go here to get my latest Blender softbody file:

I’m busy putting together all the wardrobes. Download this one, just for the knot in the kimono sash, if nothing else.

yeah googlepages are fantastic

check the sig.

Yeah they got me too… The only thing is the limited design range.
As you will see here:

Could someone tell me how to get involved listed in the Blender web ring?

Oh, do bother to check out my site. It is unfinished but I posted my list of python script authors web sites there and theres some other good stuff there too.