Blender Guru Competition: Sci Fi (BIG MECH)

Hey i am going to hit the blender guru from long time i can’t get my self to finish some work there where some amazing big projects but now they are frozen because of this competition and i think i will made it up to the end so keep watching comments etc welcome!

Mech havy armored
Type, 4 legs tiger.

What’s done basic modeling of foot.

Woah… :eyebrowlift:

This is gonna be one great project!!! Keep it up!

Yeah, this looks like it’s going to be WAY cool. Keep it up.

a bit of change of concept there will be more like crounching havy armed station or somethink like that. i don’t know to make this look like this one big gun… or make it much much smaller and add some other weapons and generaly the body of the meh.

new parts modeled.

You have something interesting going here. Out of curiosity, the last image looks very nice as an intermediate render. How did you set the shading on that one?

Studio. 3 lamps.
white very big on top very high emitter set 4 if i remember (cycles) no AO world color black
on the left smaller light a bit blue emitter set to 2.
on the right blue emitter set to 1.

Material is my glossy shader with some fresnel and color ramp. the floor is simple default diffiuse.

I render this. Then i render in blender internal no lamps just the AO.

Composition: in photoshop. AO layer as a bacgrkound on top of that The render from cycles blending mode setted to overlay duplicated and seted as softlight after that. color correction just add a bit of green.

piston system not finished yet acctualy.

New update new pivot point Z axis + 2 new pistons + more metalic look of material.

I got some free time to move on, some new parts. just 3H of modeling not so much acctualy for so much time but i am doing all from my head no sketches sooo it was like 3 times modeling this :smiley: But i know now in what direction i am going.

WOAH, Great model so-far… :eek::eek:

Damn, this is really nice, is this thing going to be animated? I would love to see it in action.

impressive modeling here! Keep it up ;).

Little update. Still a lot of work. Some test of materials.

that greenish tronish honeycomb texture skin … looks awesome.
anyway a tiger has black and orange stripes, so you have any plans for that?

nope it is no more tiger. it is just a mech. i would not fit in time with tiger. I think i will stay with that green colors and gray armor, i will just texture it add scratches etc… The honeycomb acctualy is modeled. :stuck_out_tongue:

I add some cables improved materials 3 renders fullHD after click.
What next?
-make base connections for cables.
-make cables for hydraulic system.
-do some connection with main body and guns. right know it is just on cables. xD (guns)

  • details details details.
  • then interior.
    -if i got time texturing.

Really cool man… solid scifi machine… :slight_smile:
wait for final result…

Awesome man! I gotta work on my hard surface modeling…big time:P Materials look great as well especially the green honeycomb pattern…love it:) And would also point out that even for test renders your still making excelent looking image which is nice as well:) Good Luck:)

Sweet mech! Just one question. Are the brackets over the cannons for mounting something or are the meant to be like eyebrows. Either way nice work.