Blender Guru SciFi Comp. Tunnel Scene

Thank you very much rhino - but i have to say i would not be that far if i haven’t had 2 days vacation and spend the whole weekend on it :wink: Yeah, yeah about 40 hours passed, never made a car render - it is so much fun! blender is awesome - right?

I’m getting jealous about you having such a free time. :wink: No, seriously, you may have not done a car render yet but you really know about materials, lightning and composition. Blender is so awsome that nobody cares about time :D. We both should go sleep now (I assume we’re in the same time zone) and give Blender some rest.

See you and I hope you’ll benefit from your fast start!

Wow this is looking really good dude. Gotta do something about that car design though. In comparison to the scene it looks kinda poor.But perhaps you were gonna get to that anyway.

Great job so far :slight_smile:

:open_mouth: You got a reply from God…I mean, Andrew :wink: Once again, this is looking really good, and gets better and better every time you update it!!

First off, I really like where you’re going with this. It’s coming along quite nicely. I’d suggest adding some motion blur to the back of the car, however. It looks like it’s just parked right now and I think adding some movement will really help add ‘story’ to the shot. Great stuff, so far, though.

Thank your for you replies! It’s awesome cause my main virtuell teacher is watching this :wink: So well i know there is a lot to do with the motion blur, the lightning etc. but…i need to go back to the basics! DDD was right with the story telling, so i started with the concept of the police car and draw simple blueprints based of the GT-R R35 Skyline for my GT-R R39 Marauder. Maybe this car will be the main focus and scratches along the side of the other vehicle or something. This doesn’t mean i will nöt improve the simple one but the scene really needs an extra kick…so here we go; the rough concept of the police car and a render with little improvements:

  • Transluscent material added on the floor, looks strange because of motion blur
  • Light concept a bit closer to where i want to get
  • position of the uav’s (i bet i will delete them to the end :wink: )
  • truck and place holder cars are closer

This is looking so good :smiley: I don’t think I have a chance at winning any more :slight_smile:

i will find a way to mess it up^^ no serious…I am afraid of the final render - more than 750 samples getting a problem - download a new driver at the moment and hope it fixes the problems

BTW - I am from Austria and this is crappy highschool english :wink: Sorry for my grammer!

If you continue to have problems, you can combine renders of lower samples to reduce noise, looking nice btw!

It dosn’t have to be car i mean those can be space shipps and this can be docking station!

Nice idea webhead - will do it this way if it doesn’t work!
@ Kramon: I need cars for the background, so if it don’t fits the scene -> i will put it back, in the background!

progress so far (this mesh will keep me awake when i should sleep):

i would also drop the rear view mirrors. It looks like you may have in this latest design anyway, but they are still there in the sketch. Somehow I don’t think cars of the future will be using rear view mirrors. :slight_smile:

issan GTR + aston martin + smoooth :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah i skip the mirrors, on the other ones they are displays…here is much more place on the inside sooo boom no mirrors :wink:
Oh yes aston for the class and Nismo for the anger!

Testrender over night to find out if gpu can handle it with the new driver again (2000 samples) but without motion blur:

Looking great! I think your glow may be a little over the top though…

Damn this one is really kick ASS!! You have to go 3000 samples i think because there is still a lot of grain.

3k sample and i think the minimum image size is 720p.

You may need to cut down on the reflectivity and lights… you dont want too much extraneous stuff distracting the viewer. come up with a balance of what looks cool and what is too much/little

Yeah compositing doesn’t really match (just a gpu test)
This is only the half resolution of contest minimum so maybe 6 or 8000 at the end i guess?

would be awesome

Thanx! Will start the final render with 8000 and hope gpu survives :wink:

Now guys I need a hard critic on the following scene…
I really changed a lot and if i want to make it look believable, i have to invest a lot of time to get the physics right, set up a nice particle system and model a good crashed gtr (after i made a nice one to know what i have to destruct)
So this question is not about the obstacles, cones, the render or motion blur…just want to know if you would feel comfortable if this is a picture on your wall…I guess it’s to much for the viewer!

Other improvements:

  • Change ratio from 16:9 to 16:7
  • GT-R: New frontdesign, add frontlights, bit of mesh optimizing
  • From 2 way street to one way