I’m currently fail at video 9 in Blender Gurus Donut tutorial.
My sprinkles will not to be on the icing. They flying around my donut!?!
The problem was from the beginning up to the end from the video. I can’t find any mistake.
Maybe the object used for the particle has its origin away from the mesh? Try selecting the particle object, then do: right click → set origin → origin to geometry.
This is it!
I thank you so much!
The Origin is currently not my friend.
If I set the origin to an geometry and apply all geometries why is the origin in the middle of the scene again? How I can fix the origin in the geometry?
Because of this I have a problem with an another little project. I move a geometry than I will rotate it 90° and moving again.
99% of the time you should never apply “Location” transforms. This places the origin back at the scene center. Generally you only need to apply the rotation and location transforms.
I don’t know how I can explain it whit the right english words.
I have to animate a product from the company where I work.
I the animation the product will be build up part by part.
I move the parts on the right places and apply the location. Than I move the parts out of the view.
For the animation I move part after part to location 0,0,0. It works fine for the most parts.
But my last two parts have to rotate in Y for 90° at last, and there is my problem. The origin are not in the object and when I center the origin in the object and apply the location again the other coordinates in the animation are wrong in this case.
Applying the location will mess up any previous animations and your origin point. Use ALT+G instead. This moves the object (origin and geometry) back to 0, 0, 0 instead of just the origin.
Ok, thank you for this inforamtion.
But I thing when I have more then one position in a animation I have problems with this way to coordinate.
I think I will look some tutorials for moving an animate in near future.
Yes there is. It’s called delta transforms. When you go to apply the transforms, you will see an option that says “location to deltas”. It will set your object’s location to 0, but its location will be remembered as an offset in the “delta transforms” menu, allowing your object to have a relative location.