I hope i am in the right category. I try to modify the icons at the moment. Python 2 and 3 are installed. Inkscape is installed. Blender 2.75a is installed. All of the paths are in the system variables. When i run the blender_icons_update.py with python3, then it writes the png files. But the process then stops at line 36 and 51. With a warning that the command “–python” is not correct written or coldn’t be found. And so the script doesn’t write the required dat files in the blender_icons16 folder and the blender_icons32 folder.
Okay, i made a mistake here. I have for test purposes commented out a few things. No good idea ^^
Everything is back now. But i have still problems. Blender 2.75a misses the oscurart_worn_edges_map plugin and the texture_paint_layer_manager to finish the task. Wiki says the scripts are included in Blender though. And doesn’t offer a download for the scripts. Any ideas where i can find those scripts?
And should i report the missing scripts as a bug? Or is this just something that happens at my pc?
Have it. My icons are changed now. It has nothing directly to do with the missing plugins from above. CMD simply lists the trouble makers in Blender here. And stops the process when there is something not correct in the Blender installation. So you have to fix such stuff first.
And then i was trapped by a foldername with spaces. I had everything in a folder called “blender source code” . With gaps. The path shall not contain gaps though. Blender doesn’t like this, counts the gaps as i don’t know what, finds the wrong path therefore. And abandons the process of creating the icons then since the path doesn’t fit. Pure coincidence that i stumbled across the solution …