Blender in a can

»Blender in a can«

Here comes the freshest product in a long time: Blender in a can! Only the best ingredients according to a selected recipe. Contains everything you need for 3D creation. Bon appetit. :v:

Video can be also found here on Insta or here on behance.

Thanks for watching!


Wooow, it’s cool! :blender_logo_64_png: :smiley: :clap: :sunglasses:


Thanks a lot! :v:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you Bart! Have a great und funny weekend! :v:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Supercool! Thanks a lot! :raised_hands:

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Good job. How did you do the animation of dropping cans?

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Thank you!
These cans are rigid bodies and I add a turbulence force field for the “rising”-part. Then I animated the gravity from almost 0 to normal earth gravity, so they’re suddenly falling down. That’s all. :slight_smile: Hope that helps!

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Congrats, Sebastian! We’re both in the top row, yee-haaww! :cowboy_hat_face:


Yeah! :sparkles: Unfortunately something went wrong with my insta post… But that its shown here is worth much more! :slight_smile: