Blender in my VFX works

I am Helmut and I work since 2 years at Scanline VFX. I guess I had good luck to get this job, because I am self taught and I had always a tendencie to work with open source tools (wich is not common in the industrie, as you may heard of). I had some experiences with Maya, but I never tackled a huge task in it, so Scanline was kind enough to provide me a copy of blender to work with in the beginning. I want to share some stills (and maybe later a video) of the shots I was working on.

first Show: Jim Button and Luke the engine driver

I redesigned the emperors ship. Some of the more complex shapes (as the wood carving on the sides) was done in ZBrush.

Here I used Blender to place around basic geometrie for the snow patches in the lower part of the picture. Further sculpting was done in ZBrush.

I hope you like the stills, I was great fun to work at it.
Have a nice day


Dude! this is super cool! I really am digging the colors!


thank you eicthered :slight_smile: We got a great comp team!

(only the sip is modeled in Blender. Both Islands were done mainly in ZBrush. Josh Teleki modeled the huge Island)

the front part of the Ship

Wish you all a nice day!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

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Hey bartv,
thats cool :slight_smile: thank you!
have also a great weekend!

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Here is anoter feature Film where I used Blender. Tomb Raider with Alicia Vikander. I modeled Set Extensions for the interior of the japanese bomber. Most work went into the Cockpit modeling. I also made some Assets wich were thrown around on one Shot.
Here is it in Artstation also:


You’re #featured! :+1:

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Very cool!

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Ah, bartv, thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:
Thank you Neltulz!

Beautiful images, I am not able to do these things, but I love to see Blender in projects of this type.

I second this, it’s nice to see that Blender has come far enough to be used for far more than just pre-vis and small items smuggled through the back door.

I hope you can get in touch with the developers and mention what you need to make an ever larger percentage of future movies in Blender.


Ace_Dragon: Unfortunately I used mainly Maya in the last Projects. Its hard to integrate Blender into a Pipeline. And 2.8 has serious Performance Issues, what makes it unusable for really huge assets (in my opinion). I still miss Blender for its way faster modeling workflow, but for Bumblebee, stranger Things, X-men Dark Pheonix and 6 Underground, I used only Maya. But I use it still for my realtime Sideprojects, because I like the philosophy around it.

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Can’t wait to see Jim Button clips! Great job here.
Can you please share some tips to get a convincing wake foam as yours?

Your work is beautiful, hope you are enjoying it still :slight_smile:

“Sehr coole Sachen Helmut!” - Very nice stuff Helmut. :+1:

@lsscpp Isscpp: Sorry, I can not give you tips on creating a wake foam. The water is created with Flowline. Scanlines own water simulation tool.
@Vorspiegelung007 Vorspiegelung007: thank you, I enjoy my work every day. :slight_smile:
@Taros: Danke dir :slight_smile:

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