Blender in Road Ahead:)

Here is another “completed” blender project. I thought this one was fun and a bit cleaver:) Let me know what you guys think. I got inspired by a recent road trip with many hours of driving through grass land such as this.

Blender 2.5, BI, CGtextures & Gimp

Looks Good!

The only things I can suggest to improve it are add a bump/normal map to the road and the sky texture seems to be a little bit low res but that might just be artifacts from the upload.

Thanks!, I couldnt find a sky texture I liked for the scene and had to create the perspective I was looking for by mapping to a plane and angling it to give a perspective type view instead of the typical sky plane perpendicular to the camera. I think this caused the image to become pixilated a bit especially in the upper right corner. Some times I’m my own worst critigue:) I agree about the normal map but I was having some issues with the bump being too strong near the camera which is very close to the ground.

Again thanks for the comment!

Haha nice work, maybe place the sign on the same side of the road as the camera so we can see it better.

Cool concept!

I know its a bit small I was going for composition of the image and scarificed a bit on readability of the sign. Some of my favorite 3D art is very realistic but gives a twist of imposibility, thats the beauty of 3D art…its not a photography:) haha

Thanks again!

Wow! That’s really nice!

Thanks McThingy!