Blender Institute’s strategic targets for 2022


No Sculpt Mode targets, while it would the perfect timing for that with the currently developing ZBrush ‘drama’. :neutral_face:


Is there any way users can suggest the Blender Institute to invest more in sculpting mods? For example, some kind of user survey. :upside_down_face:


I’m happy to see Texturing finally getting some focus (hopefully UV editing too!).


Also no UV and Modeling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Just lack of Blender people with coding skills devoted to those areas like Pablo or Machin3.


Do not despair Metin :slight_smile:
Some things from this project might trickle down to sculpt as well (brush management). And some like painting normal/displacement maps might complement sculpting indirectly.

Beside that, let’s be honest. Sculpting saw a rapid development with Pablo’s work and Joe is making good progress too. You can’t say with honest heart that texturing got the same attention throughout the same time span.
Texturing is not only a specialized pipeline section, but it’s a vital part of almost every project - big and small. Any improvement here means lots of saved work hours.
Right now texturing is in a very poor shape, as it was neglected for a very, very long time. The workflow is fragmented, unintuitive and is missing some vital parts.

I’d say it’s about time.


It is explained at beginning of article.

A strategic project usually involves complex architecture or design, for which working prototypes need to be developed.

That does not mean that other areas of Blender will not improve during the year.
That just means that a serious brainstorming is necessary.

I agree with @silex. Joe knows where he is going.
On the other hand, Texture Workflow is in poor shape because it was neglected in previous 2.8 design works.
Brush Management was promised target after ignition of work on asset browser.
Texture nodes are still using old BI procedural textures without preview. A clean up to use same textures as EEVEE/Cycles shader and make UI consistent is a minimum.
But that probably also allow to copy/paste texture nodes and nodegroups from one type of node editor to another.

Overrides and Physics are really responding to current demands to produce with a Blender 3.x release.

I sincerely hope that Application Templates task includes Custom Viewport Configuration Presets creation. In order to be able to change at once : object types visibility, overlays and shading.


Yeah, it’s really time to see that updated.


Finally we will have physics overhaul and team behind Fracture Modifier could implement FM into Blender 3.0.
Also texturing overhaul would touch the sculpt area because of brush performance and management. And maybe Blender could compete with Substance Painter and Designer?

Please remember that there’s Joe who is mainly working on whole sculpt mode and Jon Denning working on retopology mode.

Damn, I wish that Blender Institute could find new way for funding. Maybe an additional funding, like target funding/community choosen project could satisfied our demands? :smiley:

Anyway remember, we need to further push our favourite DCC tool to more people!


From Dalai:

"Hi, the development of Blender is not restrict to the strategic targets. If you take a look at the work done in 2021, and the main targets at the Blender Institute that should be clear.

In fact there is a lot of development planned for the sculpting features in Blender in 2022. At the moment there is a developer receiving a development grant. He is focusing first on merging sculpting vertex colors. He will soon write a blog post about his development targets, design and planning."

Don’t despair people. :slight_smile:


I hope BF hire the ArmorPaint dev to do this job… :wink:


Yeah, and I hope the brush management and performance will be realized for Sculpt Mode as well.


It’s impressive what kind of momentum Blender has. Yes, there are a lot of details all over the place that could use more attention. I, too, have my personal wish list: texture painting performance, texture nodes everywhere (I am looking at You, modifier stack), native 3D onion skins/ghosting. And so on.

But. I am happy with what Blender already is. My biggest issue from not so long ago is solved, now that Blender is due to be fully utilising the Metal backend on Macs. The foreseeable future is looking good.


No, it is not (yet). Cycles have ongoin implementation, but Blender itself dont have it yet.


Just without that Haxe language mess please, no need to create mess on compilation toolchains and language that so few know. :wink: