Blender Intro&meeting in ARGENTINA (Help needed!!!)

hello ppl!
I never posted in the forum cause Im always lacking of time, but I´m in love of blender since99

I´m a industrial design student in the FADU, Argentina ( ), I´m finishing my first year of my career in here, and i made some works with Blender, with excelent results. I noteiced that only the almost-finishing students make their works by rendering them, so I though,


First of all, the FADU is a free, guvernamental university in Buenos Aires, architects like Cesar Pelli (who made the Petronas Towers) came from here… there are thousands of students in here, and with the crisis in Argentina we are laking of resources in the free university.
so, free software is perfect for the FADU!

I talked with an architect about my idea, she was very entusiastic and told me that presentations and projects like these are allways very welcome in here, but of course that I need to get some resources first.

then I met the director of the CAO ( ), it´s de digital design department of the FADU. They were very entusiastics too , but I need to make a little introductions for them first, and convince them for making this introduction&meeting.


what I have done so far:
-I made a demos CD with blender in all platforms, I downloaded all the images from the gallery of , also some videos. I got some realtime demos, .blend files and documentation too. Some architects that helped me and th CAO director got their copies allready.
-I talked with pals in here, ( , ) and they will give me a hand maybe
-The son of the architect who helped me has a mayor charge in the local computer magazine ( ), I emailed him and if we get the official confirmation from the CAO, maybe they will post it in the magazine !
-If we get it official, the CAO will publish it as an official meeting, we have thousands of students in here!!! think about it!!

What I need is:

-schedules or advises from previous meetings and presentations, like how to introduce blender, etc…(i never talked to a croud!)
-future proyects, farms for mayor renders (it´s done via VERSE, right?), an “autoCAD” Blender for architecture, etc…
-all oficial documentation available.
-realtime engine, how to use it for architects or designers presentations.
-open source benefits in education
-documentation for architecture, industrial design, urbanism, natural landscape design…etc.
-and all kind of intresting documentation, like the scheduled “HEVAH (EValuador Adaptativo Humanoide): 3D animated avator.” in the next meeting…anything that can help me with this

Media: (my personal computer is down and I lost all that I´ve been collecting this years)
-Renders, videos, realtime games, real time demos, anything you think it´s cool to have in an intro. I collected al imagens and videos from, you can email me anything you consider proper to this.
-demos of serious works for architecture, desgin etc.

I accept any documentation in ENGLISH, SPANISH AND FRENCH, you can email it with no restriction to my google mail, [email protected] , ANYONE CAN HELP ME. As soon as possible we get it, the better could the meeting be.
If you have any kind of work you consider that could be usefull, email it to me. ( [email protected] )
renders can have name&url of course :smiley:

I also want to invite all the argentinian (and latin american) Blender users to help me, it would be great to have their presence and participation in this meeting!

I would be glad also to get official suppor from .
Next week I will have the final answer from the CAO. we keep in touch ppl

pd: Sorry for my english