Blender is getting stuck while opening a .blend file; help please!

Hey guys!

I got a problem over here: I have made a werewolf model with blender at school. Now I have emailed the project to my computer at home, but blender is getting stuck (with a ‘not-responding’ message from windows) when I try to open it. The blender version is somewhat old at school (I don’t exactly know which version it is: it has this picture when it starts up. Anyway: I already tried to open the file with version 2.49b and 2.5 beta. You can see the details down here, my apologies for having a dutch version xD.

Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: APPCRASH
Naam van de toepassing: blender.exe
Versie van toepassing:
Tijdstempel van toepassing: 4a9c5ce5
Naam van foutmodule: blender.exe
Versie van foutmodule:
Tijdstempel van foutmodule: 4a9c5ce5
Uitzonderingscode: c0000005
Uitzonderingsmarge: 003d212d
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.0.6000.
Landinstelling-id: 1043
Aanvullende informatie 1: 83f6
Aanvullende informatie 2: a4bf16aa2c05db9ebd1ae25cb104283a
Aanvullende informatie 3: d481
Aanvullende informatie 4: 1f29a409d775775e60b974b1e3013883

Does anyone know a way to open this file and convert it to a normal 2.49b .blend file?


I’m not sure if this will work but you what you can try is:
-Start a new file in the Blender version on your home computer.
-Append the ‘scene’ from your werewolve model to the new file by going to File > Append or Link, go to the folder where your werewolve file is and select the ‘scene’ file.
Then you will probably see an empty screen but you have to look for a button that says something like SCE:Scene which is somewhere at the top of your blender screen and click the icon to navigate to scene001.

Hope it works :wink:

Thanks for your reply Rednaz but that didn’t work either :frowning: . It got stuck when I pressed ‘Load Library’. Anyway, I managed to export the mesh to a LightWave file and open it in blender at home without any problem, and the biggest part of the work was put in that thing so I didn’t lose that much after all :smiley: .

Ah, that’s great :slight_smile: