Hey guys!
I got a problem over here: I have made a werewolf model with blender at school. Now I have emailed the project to my computer at home, but blender is getting stuck (with a ‘not-responding’ message from windows) when I try to open it. The blender version is somewhat old at school (I don’t exactly know which version it is: it has this picture when it starts up. Anyway: I already tried to open the file with version 2.49b and 2.5 beta. You can see the details down here, my apologies for having a dutch version xD.
Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: APPCRASH
Naam van de toepassing: blender.exe
Versie van toepassing:
Tijdstempel van toepassing: 4a9c5ce5
Naam van foutmodule: blender.exe
Versie van foutmodule:
Tijdstempel van foutmodule: 4a9c5ce5
Uitzonderingscode: c0000005
Uitzonderingsmarge: 003d212d
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.0.6000.
Landinstelling-id: 1043
Aanvullende informatie 1: 83f6
Aanvullende informatie 2: a4bf16aa2c05db9ebd1ae25cb104283a
Aanvullende informatie 3: d481
Aanvullende informatie 4: 1f29a409d775775e60b974b1e3013883
Does anyone know a way to open this file and convert it to a normal 2.49b .blend file?