New help system
Not fully coded batch mode for materials, but already working
Blender library 1.3.2
New library LOGIC, to store game logic bricks.
Maybe a final fix to the long filename bug ( I manage to place the library in âC:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender.blender\BlenderLibâ and works)
POSE and ACTION libs working great⌠i tested this and turned out very cool. Pose library doesât need to reopen the .blend. Also despite the .blend extension saved poses are actually txt files, so dont try to openâem in Blender. This is to save the hassle of recoding everithing.
Some other errors fixed.
15 Fully Functional libraries now, still some little issues with the preview in IPO and Logic.
I havent got the time to update my site nor Blender stuff⌠sorry for that. Maybe in a couple of days I will.
Old New Features: New database system (is the filesystem actually), categories and subcategories (just regular folders, so you can rearrage things without the script). Load at 3d Cursor. Can now import a full folder of items at once, from any library. Author can choose a license text to add to the item, it will be displayed on open and more⌠check the image below
For change log go here:
A .blend with custom backgrounds for the preview thumbs (place in your library folder)
if you edit the worlds in this file you can have custom previews (with you logo or something) just dont change the name of the worlds
Blender Stuff Website (Lots of blender items to download):
With this script you can easily store and retrieve all your materials, objects, textures, etc.
You can also quickly share your stuff with other Blender users by using the built in import/
export functionality.
To use, place the script in your script folder and runit. On first run you have to select a folder for the library (if you choose âC:â the library will be âC:\BlenderLibâ) and thats it⌠you can if you want use the preferences to store your personal data and get rid of warnings and tips that popup).
Please CHOOSE A FOLDER AS CLOSE AS YOUR ROOT AS POSIBLE, if you don´t you´ll sooner or later will run into errors. This is due some limitations in bpython.