Blender lime - 3d with that extra kick of lime flavour

Here is my newest creation, i practiced on creating believable materials, good positioning and that ‘advertisement’-effect :D(may be a bit overcomposited, but anyways)

Time: 1day
Textures in GIMP
Rendered in Blender Renderer

thanks to leonnn for a lot of feedback during creation :slight_smile:

Very cool, i really liked the bottle, pretty realistic! congratulations!

Agreed. Although, you’re definitely right about it being over composited.

Very nice overall but WAY too much vignetting…

other suggestions: turn on AO (it doesnt seem to be on here) it sometimes does an image a lot of good, and use an area light to make the shadows a bit softer.

Still, great modeling, texturing and materials.

wait, not vignetting…i forgot what its called…the thing where the different color channels are broken up and so on…

Edit: Chromatic Aberration, there we go, that’s what i meant…