Blender Logo Contest

Hi, Yoeri and I had a bit of a fight who could model and render the best Blender logo, so here a little contest:

Yoeri has the second image (Yafray)
Nick has the first (Internal)

Vote now!


Depends on if you’re reading from left to right, or the inverse. I choose the 2nd one, although they are close.

Well, Most people read from the left to the right :smiley:

Um, as far as I know you read from the left to right.

?siht ekil daer ot esu uoy od ro

I guess you were tipped off because he wrote the second one first and vice versa.

Both logos are nice, although I like the second one better cuz it (I almost wrote he) looks like Blenderman!

Aaaargh, you’re winning! NOOO:mad::stuck_out_tongue: Lol, let’s model something different now…how about…a car?:wink:

I don’t know it’s a toss up… I like the position of the second on but the lighting of the first one. Why don’t you guys merge those aspects together.

evol I thgir eht no eno eht

I like the second one, probably has something to do with the softshadow.

ugh, I voted for the wrong one, I was going to vote for the Yafray one, which was the 2nd one, but the poll had them the other way around

AAAAHW! Yoeri I’m beaten!

You have won the battle but not the war.

lol congrats Yoeri :slight_smile:

Yeah, if you tilt your head to the side, Yoeri’s is pretty perfect.

you should have done this in the contest section

I wasn’t sure about that. I thougt that section was for contests organised by others (and it wasn’t a smc). Anyways, we also did a smc after this, and I won again:)

oh crap i wanted the yafray one aswell… but that stupid pol… ^^
