Blender Logo Wallpaper

Hi all,
yesterday I was googling for a blender wallpaper and I came across a link on blendernation regarding a wallpaper done by Nico Hagen.
That was exactly what was I looking for, but unfortunately the link is broken and I was not able to find the wallpaper.
So, after some other googling I decided to render one by myself (even if I’m not so good with Blender…).
You find attached the result and the .blend file.
Feel free to use/implement/do what you want.
Thanks to Nico Hagen for the idea.
Happy blendering!


Blender_Wallpaper.blend (566 KB)

Looks pretty good, a very nice clean render. Maybe you should try one with the original colours (orange & blue).

It looks great :slight_smile: Nice and simple, but I definately agree with JayDez on trying one with the orange and blue

I had some time during my launch break, so I worked on a subversion of the wallpaper using original color. Result is attached.
By the way I notice a lot of imprecisions due to the subsurf modifier that I need to fix.
Actually the scene has been done in less than one hour this morning and took more time to render than in modelling. Here the details:

MacBook pro Intel core 2 duo
Mac OSX 10.6
Blender 2.56b
Rendering time: 29.09 (with VMWare and windows running, plus mail, safari, etc…)

As soon as I have time I’ll fix it.


Looks like your edge split modifier (if thats what you are using) needs to be modified a bit. On the inner edges of the logo where the lines meet the circle, there is a large gap. Increase the angle of the edge split modifier to fix that! Otherwise its very nice. :smiley:

Hi Slick thanks, but the problem was more than that.
Actually I used a very bad topology in the first version that didn’t allowed me to add edge loop, and when I was using a edge split below a subsurf the mesh created some “holes”.

So I recreated the model with a better topology and results is times better now. But I’m still not happy because the edge split and the subsurf are not happy together and I’m wondering why. Still a lot to learn!


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Ah I see! Looks awesome now!

I really like this! You’ve got a good picture that looks cool, but it is apparent that when you fixed the edge split thing that you’ve taken out the colour again. I’ve got something like this. If you would like to learn better topology to enable you to add loop cuts and stuff, watch this tutorial I made here: It teaches you how to model the logo, as well as the letters. This is the finished result. Hope the tutorial helps you, if you need help! :wink: (Note: You don’t need to use an edge split and a subsurf. An edge split is not needed.

Very nice what you did with it, I’m setting it as my wallpaper :slight_smile:

My picture?

Hey maybe you can do something like this… ( I mean the glow under)

Hmmm…david, could you post the .blend for your newest picture of the logo?