Blender Marketplace Question - How to Format Materials/Shaders?


I am making Shaders for Blender Marketplace, and I can’t seem to find a spot where people talk about how to format your Shaders before selling them? Are you expected to make an addon for them (A simple click to apply addon) or have them all in a Blender file that people extract the shaders from? I saw that you could export Shaders and Materials to a FBX, but I can’t seem to get that to work…

As far as the shader goes I am starting simple. I made some aesthetically fun and pleasing UV checkers as my first Material project.

Below is an example of one of my UV checkers. I have it in a nice group with parameters for easy customization.

Any advice of how people like their Shaders sold, or how people usually handle selling their shades is much appreciated! I really have no idea what I’m doing and am trying to find any forums or guides for this specific thing.

Thank you!

I’d recommend a blend file- it’s easy, it’s simple, and it works with everyone

I personally recommend that it comes as an addon for easy use, but a blend file that can be added to the Blender asset library would be fine as well.