Blender needs better hair editing tools

i feel blender should give hair/fur tools a priority(no actual release date of the planned hair object)we have stiff competition when it comes to things to do with characters hair/fur
i dont think blender is capable of this as of now
better tools like xgen/ornatrix will make us more competitive
what do you think guys??

artwork by hadi karimi


Blender is absolutely capable of that as of now, but youā€™re right - Blender hair tools could do with an update, just to make some of the settings easier to understand etcā€¦as a lot of the settings in Blender hair are confusing, and some seem nonsensical.

I believe new hair stuff is coming, but I think itā€™s under the Soonā„¢ categoryā€¦

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it has been in soon category for a very long time now,i think they should give it a better consinderation,we cant beat maya renders when it comes to hair/furā€¦

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I honestly donā€™t know about that. I know XGen is very good, but Iā€™ve seen some excellent hair done in Blender. For me, itā€™s much less about the competition with other options on the market, and more about the usability of the tools we have. For the most part, once you understand, and find a workflow which works for you, Blenders hair system is very tameable. But some of the tools still seem overly complicated, and I just want the tools we have to be more user friendly.

do you have an example of some artwork with such good hair,please link me with such portfolio

sure i do understand about your point on userability,but also if the tools are good the more it will be easy to compete with the other tools(and hence making the source files more acceptable in the market)

I would love improved hair tools, like, yesterday. Iā€™ve been able to make reasonably good hair in Blender, but itā€™s despite the current tools, not because of them. Itā€™s not so much a matter of ā€œworkflowā€ as it is ā€œworkaroundsā€ for the serious limitations of the program. Performance in Particle Edit mode for every post-2.79 release is also so bad itā€™s sometimes impossible to use. So yeah, new hair/fur tools now, please.


A new dedicated hair object (separate from the particle system) has been in the planning stages, I am assuming it will be one of those things that will tie into Everything Nodes, like we are already seeing with the volume object and the (disabled) point cloud object.

It may not be until they redo the particles that the new hair tools will come, because the new system will not function as the hair system as well.

Hereā€™s a pretty solid display of real time hair created in Blender for Unreal engine:

They even explain the process briefly.

This is useful information, but I believe that the hair tools this thread is focused on are tools for particle hair. Not hair cards.


sure,i saw the video above sometime back

Yes please!

I donā€™t know much about realtime hair, but for traditional hair/fur things arenā€™t looking too good (thatā€™s being generous). The current hair system was labeled ā€œend of lifeā€ years ago and an alternative is not in sight.

Best thing we can do is hope that the new open movie project after Sprite Fright will use hair and fur and lotā€™s of it.


I remember seeing mockup designs of some hair nodes, there were a lot of them but can<t find it anymore

Hereā€™s the design task for the hair nodes:

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The task was created in 2020 around may,i dont think they working on it as per now,its long overdue

Just a heads up, folks, Iā€™ve renamed the topic so the name better reflects the substance.

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thats cools,i think we should vote this one in till the devs realizes the need of good grooming tools, and how its affecting our workflow

Thanks Lillya, thatā€™s what I was looking for!

There seems there was so much work done on this, all gone to trash?
Why is it cancelled?
Was there lack of money/people to make this?
I would gladly give some money if my money would go specifically to develop this.

I assume that task was opened up in the early stages of the project that is Everything Nodes. The reason why it took a while to really get off the ground (as we see with the new geometry nodes) is because of various revisions and redesigns of what the final system should look like.

They had to make sure the system would be powerful, yet future-proof. It could be that everything will ultimately interface with the geometry nodes, which is why it is the first system type to see development (as things like particles, hair, ectā€¦ all connected to the mesh via the modifier stack). Things should be getting faster from this point, as they have put together a new ā€˜sprintā€™ model for large projects (which seems to be working well).


Hair nodes!