this happens often with the files that blender saves automatically, but it also happened to files that i’ve tried to save. basically, when i try to open them, blender says they have an invalid format, and it just opens the default scene.
i just lost two files cause we lost power over night, and blender where unable to open any of them.
ill upload the file so you guys can try to see if you can open it.
also, why does this happen? i cant remember this happening before. blender always backed up the files without any trouble, and i where always able to open them.
anyone had the same problem?
Hi, I cant open or append this file on my system with 2.74 (specs in signature).
Make some tests with own file and got no problems to open .blend1, copy in /tmp directory and quit.blend.
Settings for Auto save:
Where do you save those files to - local hard drive, USB device, network drive?
And does this happen with saved files from other applications, too, or just Blender?
This might very well be first warning signs of a dying hard drive.
ouch my HDD at home is actually quite old… but this time it happened at school, and the HDD is just a few months old. i dont remember when the rest happened.
im storing it at the default location. the files are not imported from anywhere, and it seems to happen at random.
Hi finalbarrage, you can make a bug report with your file.
These bugs are hard to catch but the devs can analyse the file and why it is broken.
If it is really a bug it is a serious one.
Your file is empty, there is no data saved there .
I guess sometimes it takes time to save all the data into the blend file so make sure you give it some time before closing blender.
To check the file just use a hex editor and you’ll see there is nothing there.