Blender on secondary monitor but additional menus like Blender File View open on primary?

Hello, I’m having issues trying to make Blender run entirely on my secondary monitor. I have a Pen Display tablet as a secondary monitor and would like to work with Blender entirely on this tablet. Whenever I open a window inside of Blender like Preferences of File View, it opens on my main monitor instead. No matter how many times I drag this window back onto the tablet, it will still pop up on the primary monitor the second time. This is especially frustrating because I need to constantly switch mouse input between the monitors to drag it back onto the tablet.

For example, this is the view of my tablet.

Menu opens on primary window

It will continue opening on the primary display no matter how many times I drag the window back to the tablet. Any ideas to make all Blender windows open on the tablet as the default state?

Thank you

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its an old unsolved bug.
There is a workaround which was posted by [Tim Barnard (tdbarnard)] ;

adding the following to Blender’s desktop icon target path forces it to startup on the monitor of your choice:

  • Right-click on the Blender desktop icon
  • If you’re not on the Shortcut tab, switch to that tab
  • Edit the Target by adding a -p option at the end, as follows:

“C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe” -p [blender window x start position] [blender window y start position] [blender window width] [blender window height]

Example: “C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe” -p 1920 0 1920 1080

Note1: The X and Y start positions must be for the lower left corner of the monitor you want Blender to startup in.

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Thank you for the suggestion. I’m not sure if I’m simply doing it wrong but this solution doesn’t seem to have any effect. Blender is already opening on the correct monitor, the issue is that any additional windows opened within Blender show up on the wrong monitor, such as the File View.

I’ve found a good enough workaround. Switching File Browser from New Window to Full Screen makes it so that it opens up on the same monitor as Blender.



For those wondering where it is
