Blender open GL and Metal compatibility

I will be buying a new computer next year and I am trying to ascertain wether or not Blender will work with Metal.

Before anyone wants to start a PC/MAC debate, I’ve been using both for 20 years.

I’m not interested in going down that rabbit hole.

Simple question.

Will Blender work with Apple’s new Metal configuration or not?

If not are there any plans to make it happen?

Thanks in advance.

I’d like to know the same thing. I just updated my Mac Pro to mojave and am a little concerned about metal support for blender and a few other programs. I have been a mac user since my Ti Book back in 2001, I’m not planning on switching but might use linux for a few tasks like blender if i have to.

Only if Apple allows to fakeing Metal using Vulkan. Otherwise all open-source software (including Blender) will be working on Apple OSes worse and worse untill eventualy it stop working at all.

Well, no real answers to this question.
Try going here to make heads or tails of what’s happening:

My 2008 3.1 Mac Pro can’t run the latest OS and is fast becoming an issue for some applications.
I can’t do without Blender.
I’ll just have to hope something changes over the next year.
It would be good to know how many Mac users use Blender.

I would actually love to see that stat. I have a feeling that the number is higher than the anti mac people would like to admit.

Mac vs PC isn’t a question for me. I’m decided on which one works best for myself .
There should be discussion between Blender and Apple moving forward.
But it is what it is.
I’d bet there are more Mac users that work with Blender than you’d think but it’s not nearly as many as PC.