|Blender Radiosity test|

Hello all, well ive been working on radiosity and i recently just made a test, a tv screen scene, very basic but interesting, using a spot lam behind the blender image screen lighting it up, rad lighting on the roof ‘light bulb’ and one rad lighted plane ‘onlycast’ infront of the tv giving it that light emission reality, you’ll understand (maby) when you see the image.


You may want to try out one of the Lightcuts builds and run that scene through it. You might have to hide the texture on an emitter plane on another layer though.

Light cut builds?

Lightcuts, a branch of blender with VERY cool lighting additions, Pseudo-radiosity and other features.

the blog of the developer working on it

Well, I wish radiosity just copied its texture to emittance color so that you don’t have to wait hours for the lightcuts build to render. Also, I tried the lightcuts build, and it doesn’t seem to work for me. I put a texture to the lamp (area) and it looks ugly and tiled across everything illuminated as usual. No info anywhere on the web on how to use it. I’ve searched, and people seem to know already. Even the homepage just describes the features with lotsa screens.