I am working on a geometry node in blender, that allows to draw random bamboo shapes, with highly detailed segments and scratches and so on.
Here is my node tre in creating a detailed segmental pattern of the bamboo. I want to get the best out of this thing. I try to keep the polygon count low, and only increase them in the neccessary places, like the segment ‘ring’ of the bamboo. I struggle now only with repeating the segmental ring along the bezier curve and to decrease the subdivision curve between the segmantal rings, where they are not neccessary.
The biggest pointer I can give is to not hesitate to go back and forth between mesh and curves, as they don’t have the same operation set.
For instance, you can extrude a mesh line, and you can also split-edges.
But you can resample curves and also trim them, and of course convert them to mesh to give them thickness.
You can try to do some kind of an array, but you might also just make a line long as the whole bamboo , resample that using the appropriate segment length and do a split edge, that will give you as much curves as you need and they can be converted to bamboo segments eventually using the procedure you already made. Of course you’ll have to do some mesh → curve → mesh conversion when needed…
Well, there are different ways to approach this but it can become a bit advanced.
One option is to create points and remove those who are not needed, by inspecting the next points and comparing their radius…
But a simpler way would be to generate only the points that you need, maybe by trimming the segment by some amount , and extrude the needed points to form the bulge then converting to curve to eventually set the appropriate radius on these points.
Of course it’s not the only way , you might model the bulge as a separate element and do a instance on each segments end-point…
Anyway, it’s not uncommon to get stuck like this, remember that there are always different ways to get to the same results, so try to think about other options and maybe one is more appropriate than another…
For low poly you could just use just a texture or see rob tutorial or you can stack objects or use a repeat zone or duplicate elements or …
Stacking & connect splines to one main geometry this way you can add noise & some variations etc…
There is this Blur Node, could you tell me waht this contains and what it does?
And further, is there any way to start from a bezier curve, instead of a plane + mesh line, because the intention is to draw the trunks with individual shapes and forms.
Looking forward for a reply. thanks in advance
unfortunately this is not what i want to achieve. My goal is to create those shapes (joints of the bamboo) with float curve → make the joint repeat itself throughout the trunk and being able to use the curve draw tool to create a lot of individually shaped bamboos.
here you got another approach using my fit array on curve node, where i use it to generate points which then got transferred back onto the original curve.
You can define a resolution for the dense merging parts. It is only a bit tricky to find the right resolution so the float curve node picks the right spots to match the profile:
Also added the possibility to draw the curves as you requested lately: bamboo.blend (3.3 MB)
4.1 uses some nodes that dont work on 4.0.
But thanks for sharing your nodes. Thats what i was looking for. I want to study your nodes now directly. Do you have any documentation ?