hello I am very new to blender and i dont know what to do. when i bake fulll render with out lights in blender render i get result what i wanted just no lights all edges are smooth and lend with each other nice. but when i have lightsources in the scene the baking becomes straight edged no antialiases or smoothnes on the eges. Using Ambient Occlusion baking works fine.but not full render bake mode.
What are the light sources you use? What are you baking, texture? Could you switch off Shadows for the lamps? And probably some more questions… It’s a bit inconvenient because of forum not allowing attachments and links while you have less than 10 posts, however you could look into this advice and try to post a link to your uploaded file.
i use regular point lights. one that is with the default opening scene. just more than one o them. what i did now was checking the shadow only checkbox. and after that it worked fine but without any illumination. I wonder if its my low end graphics card? GeForce 7300 GT
Next batch of questions… and yes, 7300 looks like out of Cycles supported list, however that would prevent you to choose GPU render option in Cycles Render tab (and User Preferences, System first) only. If there is CPU option Blender/Cycles has that sorted out.
So this is Cycles Bake you’re using? Or so called BI Blender Render? Bright light on black background could cause aliased edge effect. Can you change lighting to something more conventional - World and Sun, 3 point Spot? Just a Texture bake? Is it also bad?
Shadow only option is different from Point lamp’s No Shadow or Ray Shadow (and Point lamp is what comes in by Default); this belongs to Spotlight, what lights are they?
See, not easy without seeing what actually goes on…
No cycles is fine have not seen any issues with that.
its blender render. I tried to set point light to no shadow. yes no pixelation but everything is too white. In my regular settings i used (simple default settings) I even tried to bake the speculars. its either just white or just black I think only workable solutions for me right now is to fake the highlights on the object in gimp or mimicing the same light layout in cycles I just dont get it why baking and rendering are so different on their outcome. just simple rendering and all is fine
Sorry but i don’t see such problems here and can not reproduce anything close except that Specular pass by default is white image…
Nothing else produces what you describe if it is somehow similar to this: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=80354
Edit: … then again, maybe your material has Specularity all the way up? Set it to 0 and try again.