Hey everbody,
I have several scenes that rendered fine in 3.5 but since 4.0 they are crashing during the rendering and/or even when I just open them they sometimes crash. I have some links in the files and all kinds of different stuff, so I am rather unsure to have a quick idea what causes the trouble, so that I could fix the file perhaps and make it renderable again.
Now my question would be: Is there any method of diagnosing what causes the trouble? Is there a crash report file, or perhaps a file that states the error that causes Blender to crash, anything that would help/hint/ point me in a direction that I could find the rootcause?
What are you doing when your files crash and you really need to fix it somehow?
To add to what as already been said, once you tested with the latest and most standard blender (no custom addons) , if it still crash then you need to keep narrowing down the issue.
You can start with a file that crash at rendertime, try to disable all objects like this :
At this stage the file should render fine, if not then it’s probably unrelated to objects, but something in the scene, compositing, vse …
But most of the time it’s related to objects, then you take like 5/10 of them, make them visible, see if it crash, if not , do the same with 5/10 more…
If it crash, you now that something fishy is going on in the last batch of objects, then tests them one by one…
Once you found the faulty object, you’ll have to look for what can possibly go wrong with it, sometimes it’s obvious, sometimes it’s not, try first to disable modifiers, see if it works, then activate them one by one and test them…
This is a bit painful but most of the time after a few hours of struggle you’ll know the culprit, and chances are that you have the same issues in other .blend…
If it crash on opening, you can try to append objects to a new scene, but it might be better to start with something a bit more stable first !