Blender Render farm with a twist + Free renders

Hello Blender Artists,

I’m reaching out to offer remote rendering on our platform, but with a slight difference to most other commercial render farms.

Before you continue reading, we are offering for those wishing to try some free renders.

Why I mention it’s with a twist, is because OctaSpace is a distributed computing project and we offer a wide range of computing services, rendering is just one.

However with that being said, it’s a fully built ready made solution specifically for Blender and is very competitive in terms of pricing, probably if not one of the cheapest on the market. The solution doesn’t require uploading manually, but is done directly using a plugin inside Blender.

Now comes the twist, we are also a Crypto project. Indeed, I’m well aware of often negative connotations with that side of things, but it shouldn’t detract from the services we offer. But I understand many who look at that from an unfavorable aspect.

If anyone is interested I will post some links below, but if you want to try some free renders don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Telegram or Discord.

We also offer great support.
