Blender render image with visible HDRI but I do have turned transparency

As tittle say… Why blender keep saving my image with visible HDRI? I really dont need it visible. Everything goes fine until its done… How I can fix it?

So if someone added an HDRi to the world material and enabled the Render Properties → Film → Tranparent… i never heard of any visible HDRi image in the render if there is no highly relecting object (mirror like) in the scene…

So you may elaborate this by screenshots of your shader setup/settings or even a blend file ??

Here’s a screenshot. I do have turned on transparency and idk why it is happening

Whats your output settings? Are you exporting in .PNG?

Yes, png… It just adding that visible hdri only when render is done :confused: When it is rendering I dont see that error

AFAIK, there might be some problems with PNG and its transparency factor. From what I know, it is better to use OpenEXR format instead.

To my knowledge Blender still outputs HDRI on transparent because it considers it a visible thing/object.

If you want to disable it in camera go to World tab in Properties, Ray Visibility and turn off Camera.

That will keep the light from HDRI but make image invisible

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Oh my god! Thank you very much! It is working now!!!

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Hmmm… :thinking: … that’s interesting… because…

…oh and visibility in camers on… anyway… it works for the OP… :grin:

If you render it HDRI will show. It’s inconsistent Blender should either show in both Render and Viewport when its on transparent, or hide in both.

My image is a composition of the two renders… sorry i forgot to mention…

You mean 16 bit png, openexr (even float full), radiance HDR… well at least the blender image editor shows all this with transparent… hmm had a blender 3.3.8 open for thhis tests… did this changed ??
…no 3.6… also … :thinking: