Blender Rhubarb LipSync - trying to run on 4.1


I trying to run Blender Rhubarb LipSync on 4.1. I’ts looks like it doesn’t work on new version because of new pose library. Any one know about new forks or how to fix this?

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The link below works for blender 4.0.

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I have never heard of Blender Rhubarb Lipsync, which either means “It’s great and works flawlessly.” Or, “It is terrible”.


I don’t know other alternatives…

Most of my characters are generated by MakeHuman, and include viseme shape keys.

I used to use an add-on called “QuickTalk” for synching, but reWrote it as my own called “VizieTalk”.

I am happy with, and have been complimented on, the results I get.

Happy Blendering!

Can you share the link?

Well… if i search for blender libsync on duckduckgo… it’s the second hit… (the original… not the fork) :wink:

…and (of course) :

…and meanwhile… since it was asked ( :wink: )

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It has been quite a while since I downloaded it… but here are some notes that I made back then:

QuickTalk Blender Addon For Lip Synching - Tutorial

Good luck.