Blender rigging problem

Hello, im tryna learn rigging and animation. I download a metahuman from ue5. I create rig with armature and clicking the generate rig but just face control rig is coming not the rest of body. I try it with the basic human rig (face not including) and when i click generate rig the control rig is coming correctly but i cant move my mesh with it.(i do parent with auto weight) Can anyone help me?

So based on the screen shot you are clearly using Rigify, however the screen shot doesn’t show the generated rig, only the metarig used to create it.

So, just to be clear, on the metarig you are pressing the upgrade face and then the generate rig buttons.
Then once the actual rig is made, you are parenting that to the mesh with automatic weights, not the metarig, that isn’t made to be the actual rig, its only purpose is to generate one with all the controls you need to animate.

Still just face rigs coming :frowning:

Hard to tell without the file, it could be a whole mass of things, from not all being aligned around the origin, to how much you have messed and moved around the metarig bones. In order for the rig to auto generate, various bones need to stay aligned, otherwise it just fails.
A quick test would be to add a new metarig and just upgrade/generated to see if it all works, at least that way you’ll know its something you’ve done to the metarig that has broken it.