Blender room design (what are your ideas)

Hello. I need your ideas about the room design I made. What do you think of the color combinations I used and how realistic they are? Is there anything you want me to add? Finally, is the contrast good?

Technical info;
Samples: 512
Resolution: 3840x2600


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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everything looks great,maybe exterior window light could be bluish(sunset time) to give more focus to interior.

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It’s a nice render, for sure.

Since you’re specifically asking about color choices…

  • It seems a bit out of place (like, odd coincidence) that the music headphones match everything else in the room.
  • From an aesthetic standpoint, I don’t like the triple tube gold table. Nothing wrong with your material or modeling there, it’s just a style of furniture that makes me think “tacky”.
  • If the carpet were a bit darker, or not an earth tone, it might add a bit of nice contrast from “everything is beige”.
  • Is the chair on the left the same color/material as the 4 chairs on the right? It looks different, and I would expect it (in reality) to be the same.

These are small, small issues… so don’t take them as large criticism; the more “refined” something is, the more one has to study to find things to improve - and your image is very refined! :slight_smile: