Blender SAVED!

Great news! I’m most pleased. :smiley:


Yessssssssss!!! Whooo…
and so forth untill I become bored and go forth to blend
Thank Ton, my renderer was been born anew with a stronger spirt.
And now for some spontainous smillies of surpreme joy…Joy!!!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Reasons to live return… Yesss!
:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: 8) :wink:
A day of reckoning has finally arived!!!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

atta boy,Ton!

Congratulations :smiley:





I am soo happy now, that my eyes drop few tears. Congratulations to Ton and all Blender comunity.

Am I dreaming? These are fantastic news.
Blender GPL and opensourced?
Please don’t wake me up…Zz… Zz…zzzz…

Stamatis :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: Thank goodness Blender is back! I’ve just started using it and still getting used to the interface. Love Blender! Oh, and hi to everyone. :wink:

After having tried many of the packages out there (Maya, SoftImage, RealSoft3d…) I’m glad to see the best one I’ve come across given a new lease on life. Truly excellent work. Now I can get back to uninterrupted Blendering!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I must be dreaming… Someone pinch me to make sure I’m not dreaming!

First I get my softimage XSI Experiance CD through the post.

Then I read this!

I must surely be dreaming.

This is excellent news! Blender now has a very positive future!

Guess I can get back to blending now!

brian :smiley:

The Phoenix arises once again from the ashes.

Back in March, a few days before The Big Bad News, I had finished up a MD3 (Quake III: Arena model files) importer script, as part of my Q3A mod (to eventually work towards MD3 export, create Quake models in Blender). Since then, I had doubts about whether Blender really would be freed or not, with the greatest fear that Blender would be condemned to a dusty page of Software Has-Beens, forever trapped in an unchangeable binary format (yeah, yeah, melodrama and all that jazz). I stated in my script’s comments that I didn’t expect the Creator line (i.e. free beer – a buncha online gamers, you think they’d have money for Publisher?) to come back before this November, by which time I would switch to some other modeller should it persist in its stasis.

It’s only July, and this news. Much eariler than I expected. A pleasant surprise, nonetheless.

I’ve got a few beefs I’d like to address in Blender 2.23. Maybe that can be a thread in of itself, “Blender Wishlist”.

  1. I do not have any credit cards and I live in australia is there anyway I can donate?

  2. If Blender is going to be opensource I would like to see cooperation between Blender and wings3d (a dedicated OS 3d modeller). Who should I contact to talk about this.


I am very happy that there is possibility to GPL Blender, but everyone is asking - how Blender Foundation will get 100,000 euros? Will it be money from donations? Is GNU Foundation interested in helping here? Anybody talk with GNU people?

wrong forum go to Blender Foundation :smiley:



Hope the legal stuff goes well.


humm, some great news.

Blender won’t go down the tubes. This is good, it can remain a good starting block for many people who are interested in 3D but don’t want to pay the hefty price tag of other products.


And it’s the whole package, including the game engine. Couldn’t be happier.

I hope that some good exports will be one of the first additions, although fixing the bugs should be the priority.