Blender School?

o ya and i have a camcorder in case your wondering

Vincimus, do you know html/css coding?

I do but not alot. I use frontpage

Kid friendly tutorials (both in content and communication)

well im not so sure thats so brilliant since ive used blender for 9 months, and im only 14 recently, but the tutes that are everywhere were easy enough for me to understand, and i think few under12s will use blender, so there doesnt seem to be a need for a special site with special kidfriendly vids.Most of the tutes have non-explicit content so thats not a problem.

Exactly, Zany. I’m still waiting to see an outline of the whole kids aspect of it that they can’t get from tutorials out there already. :-/

ok so for right now skip the idea of incorperating people and kid friendly jokes and crap watvr. Anyway so look how about we just make a collection of video tutorials on well everything. I mean like on stuff in the 3d noob to pro tutorial to stuff like liquid simulation. Basically cover everything so you don’t have to get new updated tutorials or google them all the time. Lets make it easier than it allready is.

I mean not all kids are just allowed to roam all over the net looking for blender tutorials.

There’s a tutorial thread on this forum, and there’s a couple of Wiki’s I go to for tutorial lists. I suppose they’re not outright “Here, come look here for tutorial lists”, well… Minus the thread on this forum. But hey, if you want to video tutorialize the Noob to Pro wiki, that sounds awesome! Go for it, dude. :slight_smile:

You know your not exactly helping us.

Hey, just like people offer C&C for models/animations here, I’m doing the same for this idea. You want to spend your time on it, it’s your choice. If you did and no one found it helpful, I could say “I told you so”, and if the opposite, you owe me one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ideas are grand, but realism kills many of them. People like us are dreamers, choosing to do things even when it’s not the advisable. I’m just trying to make sure you know where you’re going before you spend a lot of time on nothing. (Theoretically, on a project like Blender, any and all help would be an improvement.)

I’ll just finish by saying that unless what you’re planning makes a whole lot more sense then what I’m hearing, I’ll continue to point the kids I know who are learning Blender to the tutorial lists I mentioned earlier.

Prove me wrong. :wink:

I think this is the most fantastic idea I’ve ever heard! Maybe they should start spreading the use of Blender to colleges and high schools alike to make it better! Even a pricey institute like SAE College would’ve heard of Blender by now :slight_smile:

I mean it’s intuitive and easy to learn. I am going to start teaching a course at our local private school. Of course i previously went their and was the top computer student and I am doing it for free but hey if that’s what it takes.

Hey I love the idea of showing kids how fun and Blender can be. (By the way, I’m 15 and homeschooled too!) In my opinion, there is no way for someone to be able to learn Blender without first being able to want to learn it. Computers are hard to work with when it come down to the most fundimental levels. Only people who are passionate about it will ever be able to compleatly learn it.
But don’t get me wrong. If I had known about Blender at an erlier age, I wouldn’t have a $400 robot set or a $200 Gutar that I never use. So the idea of introducing this to children at a young age is a very good idea!

Yeah but the worst part is the computer teachers at schools suck.

They tried to teach my class powerpoint. All the special important buttons in powerpoint what they did how they did it. Software and hardware. I mastered powerpoint at 7 and used it to hack the password in my moms internet by going through the clipart browse online function.

Oh only works on dial up btw