Blender should take other areas more serious (its not one thing can do all)

I used to love Blender, however lately i’m often in huge battle’s.
The reason, i want to use Blender at work.

The problem, there is no proper working dimensions.
There is not one world scale that would unite 3D printing and STL’s and measureit.
Or try a normal print at 1200 DPI.

Although to some those things might not be a key thing for Blender, i think devs should realize that blender is used for more then just animations.

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Change your unit scale to .001:

(note: you don’t have to type in .01m into the object dimensions, you can type 10mm)

Then when you model a cube at 10mm in Blender, it exports to Cura as 10mm:

there used to be an addon that let you set the size & resolution of the output (a là photoshop)

There is a 3D Print add-on, but I don’t really know much about that. It may have some usefulness.

Calculating DPI is very simple elementary math, and you’ve been able to set real world scale for a very long time. I’m not sure what the problem is here…


which would be fine if it worked if i export to STL meters become millimeters ( i now generally draw 1000 times larger), while measure it shows it as centimeters…

Yes calculating DPI is simple… now put it in the TIFF output blender sticks to screen DPI

the 3d print adon isnt used for measurement more for testing the validity of the mesh (ea is the mesh manifold or more simple is it a valid possible mesh).

There is a addon for measuring measureit… (actually the most helpfull tool for people who print with measurements)… if only all would use the same metrics (STL blender units ).

it should be part of the general UI today, i tried an adon script but didnt work anmore, was for blender 2.5 or so, old)

You seem to know exactly what you are looking for. What prevents you from posting your ideas on Right-Click Select?

It’s a simple matter of opening your image in any image editor, and assigning the correct PPI without resampling the image.

PS the correct term is PPI: PPI for screen and render settings, DPI when looking at the paper print

PPI describes the resolution in pixels of a digital image whereas DPI describes the amount of ink dots on a printed image.
PS2 when would you print at 1200DPI? That is only valid for pure black and white, not multitone images.

Agreed, 1200 DPI is overkill for anything that isn’t a billboard sized graphic made to be viewed from a couple of feet away.

PS I don’t understand? Why not use the standard Render To Print addon?

Turn on “Testing” in the addons, and search for Render To Print.

This will add print presets to the render settings, and allow you to set a DPI (which should be PPI).

Gotta love python addons! Can’t stand that DPI field? Just change it. Most software gets it wrong…


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Let’s say it in metric scale, iso system: A4 = 21 x 29.7 cm. Print resolution = 300dpi(or ppi if you wish) = 118.11 pixel per cm. so just type 21 * 118 (or 120, easier to remember) and 29.7 * 118 into output size to have exactly an A4 image ready for offset print. Even easier: type mm size (210 and 297) and multiply by 12.
If you’re an “Imperial” user type size-in-inches * 300, and voilà!

…or just use the addon. :upside_down_face:

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Thanks for the addon tip, should have been part of the main GUI.

As for printing STL has no size info, although the general standard in 3d printing is mm
3MF a new format would solve much of the STL problems but not supported by all printers.
As for STL i think better defaults could have been used inside blender but its not so put it to rightclick select, where there is not that much animo for improving it .