Blender Simple Bend Modifier does not work when the object is oriented in Y direction

Blender Simple Bend Modifier does not work when the object is oriented in Y direction.

When an object is oriented towards X axis (length wise) but when its length is oriented in the Y axis, it does not seem to work and does some crazy stuff!! Is it a real limitation of of am I doing something wrong?

Here is a screenshot of the issue I am facing:

Rotate your Empty. x=90

Somebody made a bug report recently about it:

Thank you! Never thought of rotating the Empty. Although I need to rotate it by 90/-90 degrees. Rotating it in X axis is not working. Could you explain the logic behind it?

@Tvaroog Thanks for pointing it out. It keeps coming back, I found 2 other entries in last 6 months - but they were not accepted as this is supposed to be the expected behavior and not a bug. It’s very un-intuitive and there’s no proper documentation or tutorial on it.