I made this handy image to celibrate my new computer ant 256MB ATI graphics card. Tell me what you think and if ya like I’ll post sizes for wallpapers. (blender internal, no post production)
I don’t mean to be a pest, but the blender logo is different…
%| no duh… This is an artistic modern look, all I did was leave out the white and blue parts so you could clearly read blender. I obviously would have to know what the origional looks like, because I used blender to make this. Where is everyones creativity?
no we should all blindy copy things that we see around us
Meh… it’s well lit, but to be completely honest, it doesn’t strike me as an abstraction of the actual logo. Rather, it appears to be a rough stand-in for when you actually complete the real logo. If you think the whites will bleed together (and they might not… lighting can help here), then changing the color of your text shouldn’t be a problem.
Hehe… all this grumpyness here…
Well, ok… You should always be wary about changing a logo from it’s original design. Especially here, where Blender is more or less holy.
(just like you rather shoudn’t mess around with the flag of the USA or else you’ll get flamed to death )
But I don’t mind…
I find it your image has a nicely balanced touch and contrast. The reflections are not too strong. Only the “Blender” Text could be more reflective.
I also just noticed that you actually formed the blender-logo with stretched primitives. So it looks like an abstraction by simplification. Cool!
Still it would be nice to have the blue and white parts of the logo in your image… maybe only as reflections on the orange sphere?
If you manage that I also want wallpaper size! (1400x1050 for me plz)
I’m not bashing your artistic symbol but it looks more like a cross between a goldfish and pac-man. The background gives the impression that it is in water and the text is ready to be eaten. All in all, it is pleasing to look at and I agree with wah_tak that it would be nice if you integrate the white and blue that is entailed with the Blender logo.
Nope. It is clearly Sonic the Hedgehog’s friend Knuckles.
nice 86.5, very nice
So what, this forum is a joke now? Those who take it seriously thanks, to the other 95%, you are idiots.
So only the people who say they unabashedly like your work are serious?
If you didn’t want critique, you should have said so.
The symbol part is simplyfied with no grace at all, the type doesn’t fit, the environment adds 0 interesting to the theme. The good side, there is a huge room to improve.
Woa, you guys are really hard…
I don’t really like the image, but I don’t really dislike it. It could be nice for a simple logo (but not a Blender logo I’m afraid).
And, let’s imagine that instead of “blender”, it was written “sun”, and that the title of this topic was something like “sunny logo”. I’m sure there would have been lot of people saying “hey, your sun looks like a simplified blender logo”, so…
(but the “cross between a goldfish and pac-man” idea is a good one to, lol )
blend1988, I know it’s disappointing when you post something you’re proud of isn’t liked by everyone, but that’s how it works. It can either discourage you to do anything more, or on the other hand, it can encourage you to improve yourself.
On Elysiun everybody is relativly mild with critics. But I believe on site like www.cgtalk.com your work will be measured to high standards and you will be told if anything is wrong, as it should. One will never learn if not pointed to his/her mistakes.
it’s not the crituiques, I want them or I wouldent post, but some people dont crituique, they just make fun of it, like the nuckles joke, thats not helping me, thats just an idiot being stupid, am I not right?
it’s not the crituiques, I want them or I wouldent post, but some people dont crituique, they just make fun of it, like the nuckles joke, thats not helping me, thats just an idiot being stupid, am I not right?
I agree that it’s not helpful for you, but I don’t consider it flaming or bashing. I don’t even think they ment it as insults, about pacman and knuckles.
Anyway, are you going to try wah_tak’s idea, of making the blue inner circle a reflection? That could have potential.
Edit, ah, I was too late :). Now this invokes a “blender” reaction in my brain. Much better.
As you can see in my post I said I was not bashing your symbol, I just added a little creative insight to what you may have been thinking when you created this. I think it now portrays an artistic take of the Blender logo when before it could have been any of the earlier mentioned objects, sun, goldfish, etc. Much better, the only flaws I see are: there is a little orange artifact by the blue sphere and the blue line being reflected on the Blender text seems to be uneven. It is high on the side of the “n” then the “d” and “e” are even and then rises on the “r”. When it comes to taking criticism you have to take the good with the bad. At CGTalk, there are many professionals in the industry that will be quite rude to any posting that is not on their level. They will bash it just for having wasting their time to view it.
Looks better.
Did you try blue text out yet?
I didn’t mean to make it out into a big joke. When I first saw your picture, I did think of Knuckles. Whether you meant for it or not is irrelevant. You don’t get to control someone’s reaction to your art. I only commented because of the Pac-Man comment, which meant that someone else may have had a similar reaction than I. I didn’t want to discourage you in any way.
Now, on the flip side. To be fair, it’s not like the piece had a message or a theme or any other ‘deep’ meaning to comment on. For the most part it was either going to be a ‘I like it’, ‘I don’t like it’, or ‘I can take it or leave it’ kind of reaction that doesn’t illicit a lot of comments.
As for me being an ‘idiot’. Probably am. I’ve been called worse. But then again, I’ve developed a thick enough skin to not let it bother me. If you’re going to put your work on a public forum you’re going to need to develop a little bit thicker skin too.
But, if it still isn’t clear enough. I apologize again for the comment as you were specifically looking for critique. I’d delete my earlier comment, but I hate doing that because then it makes any followups make no sense if someone reads this thread and can only see the reactions and not the original.