Blender, the year 2030 a Story of Science Fiction (almost)

And that decision might literally be the end of that group, the US has just made them the latest UN org to see their funding axed (and we wrote the biggest checks). The only thing the UN does well in 2020 is prop up dictators and tyrants (since they even fail at their original mission of promoting world peace).

as 2020 was the year of the covid virus, in which the whole world I would say panicked by also largely a general psychosis fueled by the mass media and an old power “frightened” by the fast changes taking place, or maybe even by choice to accelerate the passage of the changes taking place and therefore riding the wave of mass panic, I do not know what the real reason is, perhaps both, many riots and protests too, I would say that from the technological point of view in this second half of 2020 I would also put Nvidia, which has not yet bought ARM, but is in great ascent on the world stock exchanges, and the new RTX 3090 GPUs are evident huge gamechanging.

It is not yet official, but there is rumor that Tesla is also going to arrive with a big surprise this September with solid state batteries (or something similar) that will reduce the costs of batteries, increasing their cycle life and efficiency in terms of physical volume occupation … I’ll confirm everything in a few months … we’ll see…

meanwhile blender 2.90 is out, and the features and robustness are immense …