Blender to Unreal Engine 5 pipeline tutorial

Hi, I’ve been really wanting to explore how to bring Blender models into Unreal Engine. I knew nothing about Unreal before I ran across this pretty exhaustive tutorial series by a fellow named Wessel Huizenga over on ArtStation: Link here:

If you decide to explore it be forewarned it’s for Unreal Engine 4, not 5, and there are major developments in 5… not needing reflection captures anymore for example. But honestly I enjoyed learning some of this somewhat obsolete stuff just to understand how things are working in Unreal in general. Overall, Unreal 5 seems to be a lot simpler and easier to use than 4.

The section on UV unrwrapping in Blender before exporting to Unreal is a really great section in and of itself, regardless of whether or nor you’re planning to move your model into Unreal.

Unreal is SUPER fun, highly recommend poking around in it to add a new dimension to all your Blendering. If you decide to poke around that tutorial I’m happy to chat about any stumbling blocks you might encounter.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you!

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any plans to make a tutorial for 5?

would love to get into it

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