(Blender > Unity) Questions about the pipeline for characters

HumanRig.zip (1.5 MB)
I am struggling with an issue regarding an animation on this rig. I noticed it when viewing “Idle.0” in Unity. Viewed in Blender, there is no animation on the feet, and they stay firmly planted on the ground, However, after exporting to an FBX and then importing that into Unity, I noticed that the feet would rise and drop. Simply put, What you see is not what you get.
One tutorial suggested parenting all the deforming bones to the ROOT bone, but that’s a bit disorganized when viewed in the Unity hierarchy. Do you have any thoughts on that approach?

I looked online for help and came across this which has me concerned that this problem might be a result of Blender’s custom FBX exporter. I’m not sure if it’s that or if there is an issue with my rig, so I thought I would ask here.
Thank you

I solved the previous problem of subtle animations. However, a new problem has me stumped. The weapons snap from the hips to the hands when a driver value is set to 1. Here is how that is achieved. The deforming bone is “copy transform” to a target bone which is the child of a mechanism bone. The mechanism bone has two constraints, one snapping the weapon to the hips and one snapping the weapon to the hand.The driver controls the influence of the second constraint.
I have animated the driver that switches from holstered to drawn for an animation in which the character draws the weapon. Animates correctly in Blender, but when exported to FBX and then imported into unity, the weapon stays holstered. Any idea why the deforming weapon bones aren’t being animated? :thinking:

This rig setup is based off of the P2Design rigging tutorial series.
Unity Version 2019.3.9f1