I use ‘‘usd’’ when importing character animations from Maya to Blender. It comes into Blender almost seamlessly. But when I close and reopen the file, MeshSequenceCache modifier does not work properly. Object path turns red as in the image and cannot find the data. How can I solve this problem?
I haven’t tried that before so I may be of little help here.
Did you tried to set path relative before saving the file for the first time ?
File/External data/ Make Path relative …
Another question, what append if you try to reload the file ? ( the reload button next to the file Path entry )
In any cases , that looks like a bug.
Unless something weird append with the .usd file it should re-read it correctly.
You can try an alpha build (blender 3.3) to see if that’s fixed in master.
If not it’s worth submitting a bug, and you’ll be notified once it’s fixed.
If that’s fixed it may be the case in a recent blender build, or in a LTS, depending on what version you’re using.
Good Luck !