Blender Users in India

How can i search for users in this forum who are from India or stay in India ?

I am particularly searching for Blender users in my area. So that I can meet with them face to face :slight_smile:

Any help is appreciated.

Blender 3d world user map

I am from India

Thanks a lot buddy. The map show very few users from India. I am sure there might be many more in this forum who have not tagged themselves on the map.

Hey Patricia,
How you doing?. I have recently started exploring/learning Blender and its simply superb.

btw where do you live in India ?

Around the time I joined this forum. Maybe 3 months before that, at the most.

What do you plan to do in 3D?

Hey there arun! Im also from india, live in roorkee. Yeah true there are very few blender users in india infact i think im the only one in my city. I have been using blender since past 3 years & was thinking of having something like blender user-india group to promote blender here. Im also bugged with poor quality of cg education here.

Right now I am learning Blender and want to make a career in 3D animation.

Thats a great idea. Let me know how I can help you in this endeavor.

Hi Arun, i am also from India. I am from the south though.
i am hoping to make some games/simulations with Blender:D Glad to see you Arun.

Glad to meet you too saga :slight_smile:

For how long have you been using Blender ?

Get in touch with @mohd.itqan he is making a game using blender.

Thanks :). Web stats provided by, India ranks 16th in the list of users visiting .

On the Blender World User Map there is hardly 10 users tagged. I feel there must be lot more Indian users who are either not tagged/unaware of it.
Is there a way to find them in these forum. I hope some admin/mod help us out.

Not worth it.
There may be a lot of users but they may be inactive. In the past loads have come and gone.

If you want to meet blender users in your area, you have a better chance contacting the ones in your area in that map.

Question: is the Enthiran movie (one of the best film ever) uses Blender for cg? :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure the answer is no.
Btw endi, I didn’t know people watch bollywood in Hungary. :slight_smile:

Arun (may i call u bhaiyya?) please dont post multiple post in same line. if u forgot to add something just click ‘edit post’ button and add that.

Oh yes you can. Sorry for that, I will keep your suggestion in mind and use edit :slight_smile:

I agree with you but what if they are inactive in the forum but actively using Blender ??? and they might also be active in other forums like’s for indians most active org promoting animation) which has a section on Blender.

Hey I am Jayraj and live and work in mumbai. Hello fellow indian blenderheads :slight_smile: