blender vector blur faces too big?

so heres the low down.

I have a very large scene where light cycles from tron are supposed to race.
The ground plane is very big and i’ve tried subdividing it as much as i can but still
the vector blur for the ground looks like crap because of the lack of faces. It’s not possible to subdivided anymore so is there any way around this problem?

A picture is worth a thousand words… dunno who said it but it is so true.

From your brief 4 sentence description, I have no clue as to how to help…

Take a look at these pictures:

This is sampled motion blur, shoots the render times up like crazy. If you set the samples to 8, blender renders each fame 8 times to come up with that frame. So overall, rendering the entire scene would take 8 times longer to render.

This is vector blur set to the max, renders quick, only one render per frame, but to me it sucks compared to the first one.

Each one has it’s strong points and it’s weak points. Since I have no idea what all the details are concerning what you are doing, I don’t know what to tell you.

Normally, when I read such a short un-descriptive post such as yours, I just skip over it and not answer it. My reasoning is this: If you can’t post .blend files, pictures, or accurately describe the problem, how can I possibly provide a good answer… but since I just answered another question about the same topic, and have a file that shows the difference, I figured I would show you an example, even though I spent more time on my post than you cared to…


Edit: oh, in my case, I was forced to use blur node and not sampled motion blur…

Okay using blenders sampling motion blur is not an option as it already takes 45 mins to render a full frame. and we have thousands of frames to render in a short period.

I’ll try to explain better, but its hard to describe exactly.

Basically there is way to much blur on large low polygon objects. Normally this problem would simply go away if i subsurfed the model a couple times but that is not an option because it is already subsurfed as much as it can be without freezing blender.

the object (a floor plane) is very large and close to the camera and changing pretty much anything with the models is not an option.

No as i understand it blender grabs and drags the faces in order to make the motion blur. In my case the faces are too large thus causeing the motion blur to bleed incorrectly over the other objects.

this image has no comping and has ray tracing

this image has motion blur and ray tracing is turned off.
you can see there is a lot of blur that looks really bad and no its not entirely caused by the speed

Thanks for the pics and info, that helps a bit. Couple of ideas for you, you can separate things out into different layers and re-combine them in the compositor. You could separate out the parts you want lots of blur on into one render layer, then the parts you don’t want so much blur on (background) into another layer. Then use 2 render layer nodes hooked up to 2 blur nodes with diff settings for foreground and background, then recombine them there.

You could render out the light-cycle with sampled motion blue as an image sequence then render out the back ground with vector blur at a low setting and combine with the image sequence. Which I think would produce the best results.

You could use a commercial renderfarm once you are sure this is 100% correct, which would help to meet a deadline… Please contact me if you are thinking about using the free ones.

Hopefully someone else will comment with other ways to accomplish this that I haven’t thought of.
