Blender Viewport render not starting

Good morning,

I’m having troubles starting the viewport render. I’ve set the frame lenght to 1-250, I have the camera, the animation ecc but the viewport render won’t start. I tried to open an old version of the file and it works, but I need to render the new one. I tried to change from EEVEE to Cycles but nothing happened, tried to delete all the objects on the scene, purging everything but it still doesn’t work. Do you have any advice? Sorry for my english I’m not native.

The GPU rendering of Cycles requires one compilation time after the graphics driver is newly installed. (It may be quite long.)

Create a simple scene and render it.

Thank you for your leply, I found a solution. The problem was that under Frame Range>Step I wrote “0” instead of 1. Lost 2 hours of my life haha

I don’t think the frame range will be a problem.
In the blender, the default setting is 1 frame, but it does not mean that it is not rendered from 0 frame.
