Hello, thank you to answer ! I’ve learned a lot on your blog ! thanks for it too …
How much keying do you need to do? Perhaps you could try the VSE to nodes script and proxy the node scene instead. You won’t have to render all the media but will have to render full res key.
If by keying you mean mixing sequences with blend parameter, It’s not really defined. I will try too deal with the proposition you’ve made to see what it can bring … it seems to bring a potential solution for smaller proxies but how it’s supposed to keep the opacity settings between strips ? is there a way the “full res render” you’re talking includes alpha channel ?
If you’re interested by the way I’ve gone :
I’m actually working on preparing a blender workflow to realise a motion graphic animation mixing isometric 3d scenes with orthographic 3D/2D scenes (2D SVG characters + texts). No footage.
I’m currently testing the old and new features of blender to achieve that. I’m coming from After Effects, used to think with “composition” imbrication principe that i’m applying to Blender scenes (that’s the point i’m not sure to be on the right way, although I got some results)
As a test, I’ve created a first scene “background”, a second “3d-isometric”, a third “2d-characters” and a fourth “texts”. “texts” has to be over “2D-characters” which has to be over “3d-isometric”, which has to be over “background”, blended by the alpha values of the scenes.
To test the scene imbrication, I’ve intentionally added one more level of imbrication than i needed by creating a new “scene-01” and added in its VSE two overlaped scene strips ( “background” on channel 1 + “3d-isometric” on channel 2). I’ve put the “alpha over” setting on 3d-isometric and the preview windows show me the 2 scene mixed.
I’ve done the same with “scene-02” and 2 other strips (“2d-characters” on channel 1 + “texts” on channel 2). Text appears over 2d characters in the preview window. Ok.
To this point, all is displaying fine without lag.
Finally I’ve created a “Main” scene and I’ve added in its VSE overlaped strips of the scene-01 and the scene-02. Enabling “alpha over” the top scene, I can see the result mix of my 4 initial scenes but there’s a lot of lag and I can’t work anymore. That’s why I’ve begun to deal with Proxies, with wisch I loose the lags but also my opacity settings …
The questions staying are :
Am i thinking wrong structuring my project as I’m attempting to do ?
Why Blender is displaying so fine the mixed scenes at the first level of imbrication while it’s so laggy at the second (in the “Main” scene) ?
Are the proxies really adapted to the type of work I’ve to do ?