Blender won't open .blend file, gives an error stating file format is not supported?

Hi there, I’m experiencing an issue with a file not being able to open. I created a project in Blender back in July that I had spent many hours working on, but got busy and wasn’t able to finish. I came back to work on it now, and when I try to open it (or it’s .blend1 file) I get an error stating “Report: Error. File format is not supported in file ‘(where my file is saved)’”

Since I have used blender between now and the last time I opened this specific file, I don’t have an autosave option for it, which is the only solution I’ve seen offered for this issue online. I had backed this file and a couple others up back in August, but that back up has the same issue despite every other file I own still working fine.

I’ve been using Blender 2.91.0 this whole time.

Does anyone know what might be wrong with my file or if there is anything I could do to fix it?

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.blend1 files are backups.
The .blend1 file is the file saved in the state of your previous saved session (before the last save).

Try to right click the file and choose the “open with” option, then choose Blender to open the file, while you are at it check the “always use this program” box.

Or rename the file extension, get rid of the “1” ( myfile.blend1 to myfile.blend ).

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Thank you for answering! Unfortunately none of that changed it. Right clicking the .blend1 file and choosing to open it with Blender causes the command prompt for blender to open but the program just immediately closes. I duplicated the .blend1 file and deleted the “1” but opening that still just opens the default cube setup and gives the same file error as opening the original .blend file did ): I also tried appending both the .blend and .blend1 files to a new file because I had heard some people are able to recover files that way, but that didn’t work either.

Hmm it sounds like there is something corrupt in the file.
How did you append the file?
Did you try to append only the objects?
Instead of appending the whole file try double clicking the file (in the append dialog) then in the objects folder select all the objects and click append.

If you still have problems try the objects one by one.

I had attempted to append the whole file, but now having opened it in the append dialog, I’ve discovered the file folder is empty, no objects, nothing. I think you might be right that it has corrupted somehow, is this a lost cause?

Unfortunately that does not sound very promising.

When you open a file with the append dialogue you should see different folders mesh, light, object, etc

If they are empty things are not good.

There are backward compatibility issues, if you try to open files that where saved in a newer version, but as you say

this is probably not the case.

How big is the file? If it is over 1 mb it should not be empty. Can you share it?

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The file is 50.9 MB, which is close in size to another project of similar complexity I’ve done. I’m a relatively new user on the forum and get a message telling me I can’t upload files if I try to unfortunately ): I’ll try to upload the file again tomorrow, I’m not sure at what point I’ll start being allowed to do so.

You can’t upload files bigger than 5 mb here, you’ll need to use a external service

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As the file is 50mg there must be something in it! So do not loose all hope.

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im having the same problem like the SAME problem there is nothing on the append its 4.750kb and it crashes when i try to open the file from folder and blender says that it doesnt support the file format and its on 3.6.0 so this isnt just for 1 vercion i think it might be able to happen in every vercion

update: i tried autosaves and it worked! i lost only a bit of progress but IT WORKED- ig the main file got corrupted


Very happy for you ! File corruption is extremely rare with Blender, but it happens, like, once a decade. It happened to me when my machine crashed while saving. This is why keeping file increments is essential. I keep about a hundred versions of my current assets. Once in a while (or at the end of a project) I purge it all, but even then I always keep a duplicate or two around.

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Always save multiple versions of a file.
It’s better to have 10 versions too many, than 1 corrupt file and nothing else :wink:

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a bit late but This comment SAVE ME THANK YOU

Thanks for updating, saved me with that

I work as a 3D Designer and we use blender to visualise products. Blender is the worst program I have ever used in terms of saving and reusing old saves. Corrupting files is happening quite often. I would say probable once at 10 projects, a file is corrupted.

This is not normal. File corruption does happen but should be very rare.

Have you investigated it ?